MRI-UM Book Exhibition 2024 -《Past, Present and Future of the Chinese Studies》
澳門利氏學社專題書展2024 -《漢學研究的過去、現在、未來》

Date | 日期:
- 12 June 2024 to 31 December 2024 | 2024年6月12日至2024年12月31日
Venue | 地點:
- UM Wu Yee Sun Library (E2), 1st Floor (Next to the UM Scholars Collection) University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
- 澳門氹仔大學大馬路 澳門大學伍宜孫圖書館 (E2) 一樓(澳大人文庫左旁)
Organized by | 主辦單位:
- Macau Ricci Institute & University of Macau Library
- 澳門利氏學社及澳門大學圖書館
Book Catalog | 展出書目:
Introduction | 展覽介紹
The Macau Ricci Institute (MRI) is one of the four Ricci Institutes around the world. There are The Taipei Ricci Institute for Chinese Studies (TRI), The Ricci Institute in Paris and The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at Boston College. Together, they are referred to as “International Ricci Association for Chinese Studies, IRACS”. Its general purpose is to promote the spirit of Fr. Matteo Ricci, S.J. (1552-1610), to promote cross-cultural and interreligious dialogue between the Chinese world and other different cultural and religious traditions around the world, as well as to research on the history of spreading the Western learning in China or the development of Chinese Studies in the West.
The Macau Ricci Institute, established in 1999, is engaged in the research and publications concerning Chinese history, culture, the presence of Christianity in China, and the history of cross-cultural relations between China and the West. Moreover, it also conducts projects covering the study of Macao's history, interreligious and cross-cultural communication and dialogue, social innovation, comparative spirituality, and moral leadership.
The book exhibition titled “The Past, Present and Future of the Chinese Studies”, will showcase the book collections Monumenta Serica Monograph Series published by Monumenta Serica Institute in Sankt Augustin, in Germany, as well as the periodical series Chinese Cross Currents and The Journal of the Macau Ricci Institute, published by The Macau Ricci Institute. These publications demonstrate the past, present, and possible future orientations of the Chinese Studies. They highlight how the Chinese Studies are promoting the knowledge about China with its role in the globalized world, and how they contribute to building up the dialogue between different cultures and religions in Asia across different historical periods. It is an opportunity for our readers to witness the connection and the dialogue between the old and the new academic publications in the field of Chinese Studies.
澳門利氏學社為全球四所利氏學社中的其中一員,其他分社分別有,位於台北的「台北利氏學社」、位於巴黎的利氏學社 「Institut Ricci de Paris」和位於美國波士頓學院的「利瑪竇中西文化研究所」,合稱為『國際利氏學社』(International Ricci Association for Chinese Studies, IRACS)。目的在於推廣利瑪竇神父(Matteo Ricci,1552-1610) 在促進華人世界與全世界其他不同的文化傳統進行跨文化、跨宗教的溝通,以及其在中外文化傳承的精神及西學東漸的貢獻。
《華裔學志系列 = Monumenta Serica Monograph Series》
Publication year | 出版年份:1972-2022
1935 the Divine Word missionary and German sinologist Franz Xaver Biallas (1878-1936) decided to establish a scholarly sinological journal to replace a former periodical of Fu Jen University in Peking. Since then “Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies” was born, and a respective institute took the same name. Monumenta Serica is a Latin expression with the meaning –“Chinese relics” or “the records of Chinese culture”. This cooperation helps the university to achieve its goals, serving to facilitate cultural exchange between China and the West and a dialogue and mutual growth of Chinese culture and Christian faith.
一九三五年聖言會的會士,德國漢學家鮑潤生(Franz Xaver Biallas, 1878-1936)決定創辦一個漢學方面的學術性刊物,以取代原有的輔大校刊。自此,以Monumenta Serica(簡稱MS)為名之學術期刊便應運而生,而華裔學志研究所亦以此為名。Monumenta Serica為拉丁文,中文翻譯為「絲域的史跡」,其中「絲域」二字代表中國,因此可解釋為「華夏文化的紀錄」。目標為:促進和提升西方對中國文化的研究、了解、賞識以及提升台灣漢學界對西方漢學研究的認識與了解。
《神州交流 = Chinese Cross Currents》
ISSN 1810-147X
Publication year | 出版年份:2004-2012
Established in 1999 at the time of the Macau handover to direct Chinese administration, the Macau Ricci Institute, faithful to the purpose of its foundation, has decided to start the publication of a bilingual Chinese-English quarterly: Chinese Cross Currents (Shenzhou Jiaoliu).
澳門利氏學社發行的中英文版季刊《神州交流》。 透過發行這份期刊以廣泛傳播自一九九九年澳門回歸中國後開展的學術研究活動。 在呂碩基神父(Luís Sequeira)的領導下,澳門利氏學社渴望將自身對華人世界的了解貢獻給世界;借助基督信仰以及遵循利瑪竇開創的道路,與西方世界進行交流和探討。 由耶穌會士趙儀文神父(Yves Camus)擔任主編,充分收集整理了當今世界所面臨的挑戰;謀求以基督信仰的角度加以詮釋。 《神州交流》的主題主要圍繞中國當代社會的思想意識形態發展趨勢和中國的社會問題;中國社會與世界的交融;對現代文化的影響。
《澳門利氏學社學刊 = The Journal of the Macau Ricci Institute》
ISSN 2520-7903
Publication year | 出版年份:2017-PRESENT(連載中)
A bi-annual journal reflecting thought leadership by the Macau Ricci Institute on Social Innovation, Moral Leadership and Comparative Spirituality.
Remarks | 注意事項:
1. It is strictly forbidden to take away books from the exhibition site in order to ensure that all books and magazines which have been showcased are available on the site. 展出書目僅供現場查閱,切勿帶離圖書館範圍。參觀者有義務保存所有書目完整性,切勿損壞展品。
2. The organizers keep the right of the final interpretation of these regulations. 主辦單位保留本章程之最後解釋權。