Macau, Estrada Marginal da Ilha Verde, 14-17, Macau, Macau


Macau Ricci Institute Public Forum: Matteo Ricci’s Teaching on the Goodness of Human Nature: Its Thomistic and Neo-Confucian Sources

澳門利氏學社公開講座: 利瑪竇人性本善的教義:湯瑪斯主義和新儒家的淵源


Date | 日期:

  • Wednesday 28 June 2023 | 2023年6月28日

Venue | 地點:

  • Library 2F-Conference Room, University of Saint Joseph Macau, Estrada Marginal da Ilha Verde, 14-17 (Green Campus)
  • 澳門青洲河邊馬路14-17號聖若瑟大學圖書館2樓會議室

Cooperation Partner | 合作單位:

  • University of Saint Joseph
  • 澳門聖若瑟大學

Video Record | 影像記錄:

Time | 時間:

  • 18:30 to 20:00 | 下午6時30 分 – 8時正

Cost | 費用:

  • Free | 免費

Languages | 語言:

  • English | 英語

Transportation Info | 交通資訊:


Speaker | 講者

Prof. Thomas Cai

Prof. Thomas Cai (Ph.D, KU Leuven) teaches dogmatic theology at USJ. His doctoral dissertation focuses on the idea of natura pura in Robert Bellarmine’s commentary on the Summa. Dr. Cai’s research focuses on the theology of Thomas Aquinas and the Thomistic school in the 16th and 17th centuries.


Introduction | 關於講座

The Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci’s teaching on the goodness of human nature in The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven represents the fruit of the first encounter between Catholicism and Confucianism. This lecture will consider the Thomistic and neo-Confucian sources in Ricci’s enunciation of the Catholic doctrine on the goodness of human nature in this Chinese catechism. It will illustrate that Ricci developed his teaching, which is fundamentally Thomistic, with the help of terminology borrowed from the Chinese philosophical tradition. His distinction between the good of nature and the good of virtue leads to prioritising the cultivation of human nature. Ricci’s teaching reflects the Early Modern Jesuits’ appreciation of human freedom. It also displays a Catholic reaction to the sixteenth-century neo-Confucian intellectual trend that ignored the importance of moral cultivation.

耶穌會傳教士利瑪竇在《天主真義》中對人性本善的教導,代表了天主教與儒家初遇的成果。 本講座將探討利瑪竇在這本中文要理問答中闡述天主教關於人性本善的教義中的托馬斯主義和新儒家來源,它將說明利瑪竇在藉用中國哲學傳統的術語的幫助下,發展了他的托馬斯主義的教學。他對性善與德性善的區分引導了對人性的修養的優先考慮。 利瑪竇的教導反映了近代早期耶穌會士對人類自由的欣賞。 它還顯示了天主教對 16 世紀忽視道德修養重要性的新儒家思想潮流的反應。