Dear colleague,
Thank you again very much indeed for your registration to the Symposium 2021 of the Macau Ricci Institute. However due to recent cases of COVID-19 pandemic in Macau the government of Macau just notified the public that all public lectures need to be cancelled.
With much regret I need to notify you that the Symposium jointly organized by the Macau Ricci Institute and the University of St. Joseph, Macau, is now cancelled.
Our Symposium included a collection of superb contributions focused on the topic of Spiritual Transformation in Asian contexts in times of crises which will be published after undergoing due peer review in issue number 9 of the Macau Ricci Institute Journal in January 2022. I also hope that at least some of the outstanding contributions of the Symposium could be featured in our Forums which are jointly organized by the Macau Ricci Institute and the University of St. Joseph, Macau, in the period from November 2021 through December 2022.
My sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by the cancellation which is truly beyond my control.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon
With best wishes also from Rector Rev. Stephen Morgan
Fr Stephan Rothlin SJ
Macau Ricci Institute at the University of St. Joseph

The Macau Ricci Institute’s Symposium for 2021 aims at drawing philosophers, theologians, business people, scholars and key opinion leaders with a strong interest in Asian cultures together to discuss the impact of the multiple interrelated crises and what they may require for a radical rethinking of the mission in support of God’s people. As the infections and death statistics indicate from day to day, the enormity of the catastrophe becomes more evident.
The 2021 Symposium will take place during the Ignatian Jubilee Year which remembers the conversion Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) the founder of the Society of Jesus experienced when he was wounded by a cannon’s explosion in Pamplona 500 years ago as well as the 400th anniversary of the canonization of Ignatius of Loyola with his friend Francis Xavier (1506-1552). This fact makes it especially appropriate that we rethink the key terms of “metanoia”, a profound spiritual transformation, as well as holiness and the mission of “helping souls”. The exceptional witness of faith of the Jesuit saints will be explored in light of both collective successes and failures of mission particularly in Asia. The work of the Macau Ricci Institute has sought to honour the memory of Matteo Ricci and his successors by exploring the constant search for dialogue and mutual respect in Asia. We recognize the truth of Pope Francis’ insights spelled out in his letters Laudato Si’ (2015) and Fratelli Tutti (2020) putting the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church such as Solidarity, Subsidiarity and orientation towards the Common Good within the context of the modern world. Moreover, the Symposium aims to challenge its participants to explore a journey of faith and justice which involves a spiritual transformation, based on interreligious dialogue and collaboration, efforts at mutual understanding, and an appreciation of all the world’s wisdom traditions. We hope to honour the Ignatian Jubilee Year by exploring the following questions:
• What do the terms “solidarity”, “subsidiarity” and “Common Good” mean in the context of Asian contemporary societies and cultures?
• How has the pandemic impacted Ignatian spirituality or impacted the practices based in this spirituality?
• How can the pandemic become an opportunity to reconnect to spiritual transformation and holiness?
• How are we to define the term “mission” within a context of dialogue with other wisdom traditions particularly in the context of Asia?
• How is the concept of spiritual transformation and holiness developed in different wisdom traditions?
• Which are the new accountability structures needed to avoid predatory abuse of power?
• How can education be transformed from a privilege for the few to a service toward the common good?
• How can contemplation as a way to God become more mission and dialogue oriented?
• How can China’s “Belt & Road Initiative” foster a sense of dialogue and mutual appreciation in the midst of trade frictions and increasing distrust among nations?
• How should the paradigm shift in economics from profit maximization towards an orientation to the common good be implemented in practical and comprehensive strategies for reconstructing the global system of social interrelationships?
• How can examples of Asian leadership become a driver of spiritual transformation and holiness?
Organising Institutions
- The Macau Ricci Institute
- University of Saint Joseph Macau
Contact us:
- Brian Chao: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Sofia Sou: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Macao Foundation (澳門基金會)