2022「默觀與領導力」"ZOOM" 線上工作坊
Contemplation and Leadership "ZOOM" Online Workshop 2022

Psalm 126
This song of ascent expresses the joy of returning home from captivity. Sometimes our life is marked by exile from our state as the beloved and loving daughters and sons of God. We become less free to trust in God and trust in our goodness.
Does contemplation help you to be open to God’s grace?
In your journal you can record your journey from sowing in tears to reaping with laughter. What great deeds have Yahweh done for you?
Time: Tuesday, 20 December 2022 | 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm (GMT+8)
Instructor: Ms. Cynthia Pon
Language: English /Cantonese
時間:2022年12月20日(二) | 晚上8時至9時30分 (GMT+8)
導師:Ms. Cynthia Pon
Psalm 126:Click here
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