International Symposium on “Spirituality, Culture, and Chinese Societies: Interdisciplinary and Interfaith Dialogues”

Date | 日期:
- 6-7 Oct 2023 (Fri to Sat) | 2023年10月6-7日(星期五、六)
Venue | 地點:
- LT1B, Henry Cheng International Conference Centre, Cheng Yu Tung Building, CUHK (right next to University Station Exit B)
- 香港中文大學鄭裕彤樓一樓鄭家純國際會議中心LT1B(大學站旁)
Organized by | 主辦單位:
- Divinity School of Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 香港中文大學崇基學院神學院
Sponsors | 贊助單位:
- Faculty of Arts, CUHK & Chung Chi College, CUHK
Program | 内容:
Time | 時間:
- 09.30am – 5:30pm | 上午9.30 – 下午5.30
Cost | 費用:
- Free Admission│First Come First Served | 費用全免│座位有限│額滿即止
Languages | 語言:
- English | 設現場粵語及華語即時傳譯
Registration | 線上報名:
Enquiries | 查詢:
- Ms. Tsang / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / (852)39438155
- 曾小姐/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 39438155
Introduction | 關於講座
Recent years have seen surging academic and public interest in Spirituality, with research highlighting its relevance to society's transformation in both the West and Chinese cultures. However, what Spirituality means remains ambiguous. To celebrate the 60th anniversaries of both the University and the Divinity School, this symposium fosters interfaith and interdisciplinary dialogues on Spirituality's meanings and roles. By engaging diverse scholars, we hope to inspire nuanced investigation while promoting open discussion across Western and Chinese communities, aligning with the University's spirit.
Session 1│Spirituality, Religions and the (Trans) Formation of Chinese Identity (Prof. Richard Madsen & Prof. David A Palmer)
Session 2│Spirituality and Digital Culture (Prof. Heidi A. Campbell & Prof. Chi-Tim Lai)
Session 3│Spirituality and Holistic Care (Prof. Laurie Zoloth, Prof. Frances K. Y. Wong & Prof. Alan W.L. Fung)
Session 4│Round Table Discussion: Spirituality, Chinese Culture, and Interfaith Dialogue (1. Prof. Jaroslaw M. Duraj, S.J., 2. Prof. Naomi E. Thurston, 3. Prof. Elena Valussi, 4. Dr. Xue Yu & 5. Prof. James D. Frankel)
* Zoom link will be provided to participants outside HK