The Seeds of Compassion 慈悲的種子

「默觀與領導力」課程 2020 | Contemplation and Leadership Course 2020
Topic: The Seeds of Compassion 慈悲的種子
-Session : Saturday 12 December 2020 at 15:00
-Venue: Jesuitas ( Largo de Santo Agostinho 4, Macau, Jesuitas )
-Instructor: Fr. Jaroslaw Duraj, S.J.
-Language: English /Mandarin
**Participants are advised to bring along comfortable clothing, if possible, a meditation mat.
**Participants are required to check their body temperature and to wear surgical face mask during the course due to the COVID-19 pandemic. **
Introduction: In our practice we will focus on the transformative role of contemplation and how it reconnects us with ourselves and with other people by helping us to be more attentive and compassionate towards those in need. The theme of this session will be “The Seeds of Compassion” and we will take for our prayer and sharing the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) let ourselves to be challenged by the question “who might be a neighbor to me?” For this purpose, we shall also reflect on the recent encyclical of Pope Francis “Fratelli Tutti”. Looking forward to meeting you during our session!
-課堂1: 2020年12月12日(六) | 下午3時正
-地點:耶穌會會院 ( 澳門崗頂前地4號 耶穌會會院 )
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