Macau Ricci Institute Public Forum: RELIGION AND SCIENCE AS PARTNERS. The life and research of Fr. Johann Nepomuk Hinteröcker SJ

Date | 日期:
- Tuesday 17 October 2023 | 2023年10月17日
Venue | 地點:
- Library of the Jesuits, Largo de Santo Agostinho, 4, Jesuitas Macau
- 崗頂前地4號耶穌會圖書館
Cooperation Partner | 合作單位:
- University of Saint Joseph
- 澳門聖若瑟大學
Video Record | 活動錄影:
Time | 時間:
- 19:30 to 20:45 | 下午7時30分 – 8時45分
Cost | 費用:
- Free | 免費
Languages | 語言:
- English | 英語
Speaker | 講者
Dr Roderick O’Brien
Dr Roderick O’Brien is an associate editor of the Journal of the Macau Ricci Institute, and for many years a researcher in studies of China. He has also researched clergy-scientists including Johann Nepomuk Hinteröcker, and his friend (a diocesan priest) Fr Julian Tenison-Woods. From Austria and from England, each contributed to the development of science and faith in the 19th century Australia.
Introduction | 關於講座
Sometimes science and religion are seen as contradictory, but many clergy-scientists have shown us that the supposed contradiction is in fact illusory. We can remember scientists including Gregor Mendel OSA, Michal Boym SJ, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ, and many others who have happily combined a scientific interest in creation with a belief in the Creator. One of these was Johann Nepomuk Hinteröcker (1820-1876) an Austrian Jesuit who emigrated to Australia. The German philosopher Hermann Luebbe has shown in great detail how religion has been a key ally of science in the process of the enlightenment.